Membership Application
Membership is open to fanciers who have a sincere interest in the California Central Valley Maltese Club (CCVMC) and the Maltese breed in general. Applicants must be in good standing with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and abide to AKC rules and show good sportsmanship. Applicants must endorse the objectives of CCVMC and abide by our Constitution and Bylaws. Membership with CCVMC is a privilege, so it is important that you understand your commitment to participate and support the organization.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip code: __________________________________________________________
Email Address:________________________________________________________________
Kennel Name:_________________________________________________________________
Membership to CCVMC requires two sponsors by club members in good standing:
1)_____________________________ 2)______________________________
Are you a breeder_______ Fancier_______ Judge_______ Rescue_______
Exhibitor_______ Conformation_______ Companion/Performance_______
Number of years you have owned Maltese_____
How many do you currently own_____
If you are a breeder, how many litters do you produce per year_____
Are you a member of other dog clubs_______ If so, lists the clubs and what office
you may have held __________________________________________________
Have you ever been under suspension or expelled by the AKC or any other dog club_______
Membership Dues must be included with your application. Dues are $15.00 per year, make checks payable to California Central Valley Maltese Club. You must attend a meeting before your application can be accepted. The CCVMC members will vote on your membership by secret ballot and affirmative votes of 2/3 of the members present are required to approve your membership.
By signing below, each applicant certifies the following: All statements contained in this application are true and correct. Any falsification of information may cause denial of membership. I understand the members of CCVMC have the right of fair comment on my application. If not accepted for membership my money will be refunded promptly.
Signature:____________________________ Date:____________________